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 My first week in University of Navarra.

​I´m Joan Oliver

I don´t want to do a traditional self introduction because that could be quite boring. I´m an Spanish 18 year old guy who likes making films, listening to music and partying. Okay, but I guess that´s not impressive. At this time of my life (and this is what I really think that the readers of this blog should know) is that I understand my life as a long big story that contains scenes of every kind of genre. And I hope that in this blog I will tell part of my big story and someone, somewhere will enjoy it.   


Palma de Mallorca. 31 August 2019. 7 am. I wake up and I am cold. I´m nervous. Me and my parents know that it is not a normal day. A new beginning is coming.


Bilbao. 12 am. We are hungry. My dad made some ham sandwiches back home, but we haven´t touched them yet. We get into the rented car and we start our road trip to Navarra. We had lunch in "Berástegui", a very small quiet village. We are impressed by people´s nice and friendly mood.




After lunch we get on the road again. I fell asleep while listening to Elton John, so I won´t talk much about that part of the trip. At 17:30, we arrived to "La Campana" , my new residence. So there I am, alone. Alone like the protagonist of any American teenage movie on their first school day. God help me.


My parents are gone and I´m alone. I have breakfast with them at their hotel, but after that they have to go to the airport. Back at the residence, I see a lot of groups of friends talking and laughing out loud. Might some of these people be my friends in the future?  I go to bed early.


​I´m not as nervous as I thought I´d be. "In an hour, you are going to meet the people that might change your life". That´s what I´m thinking while I say "Hello" to the bus driver. I´m listening to some Elton John´s hits. That´s essential to stay calm. Everything seems to happen very fast and slow at the same time.


Now I´m in a very big classroom. A guy named Ricardo starts talking to me about his mother and his daily conversations with his girlfriend (who is not in Spain). There´s a lot of people walking around and I feel quite insecure. 


After the speech that the rector gave to us, I feel that everyone is in a better mood. And so I am. I really want to start the lessons so I get to know my teachers.

By the end of the week...

Now, I have had all the lessons for the first time and I´m very excited because I really feel that I have chosen the correct studies. Also, I´m starting to get closer and closer to some people in my residence and I feel they will become my friends very soon. 


So, this story has just begun, but I can say that it has been a great prologue!

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